
Unable to get to my office due to the tragic events that occurred on April 15, 2013 at the Boston Marathon, I decided to venture into the city and see what kind of chaos (mostly caused by media today) was still going on on Boylston st.

The whole time I was out there I felt so many things for all the people involved, from the victims to the runners, to the first responders and all the volunteers who make having such an amazing event possible. I remember watching the commotion down on the street from my office window shortly before being evacuated yesterday. But I did also see great acts of kindness and heroism from many different people to try and get the situation under as much control as possible in an extremely timely manner.

I was thinking of all the things I wanted to write in this post explaining it all but when it comes to things like this people have so many emotions and different ways of seeing it. So I have now decided, I have captured how I saw it and now I will let you interpolate just what all this means to you.

But most importantly, I would just like to say thank you, to everyone who went above and beyond to help out in a time of need.